Freedom of Association under fire in L.A.

World Net Daily reports that freedom of association is under fire in the City of Angels.

The Los Angeles County Bar Association wants to ban judges from having any membership or relationship with the Boy Scouts of America. The argument for the ban is based on the position of the Boy Scouts, that it is not advisable for homosexuals to be taking young boys off into the woods on camping trips.

Now, I have nothing against homosexuals, and I've actually known and been friend with a few. Still, I think the Boy Scouts has a freedom of association, just like Augusta National Golf Club. In fact, the SCOTUS has already ruled that the Boy Scouts have a constitutionally protected right to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.

Passing a regulation forbidding someone to associate with any private organization is just plain wrong, no matter how you slice it. It is one thing to use your Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression to cast ire on them. However, when you want to pass a law, and use the police power of the government to enforce your views, that is where I draw the line. Besides, what is to stop them from forbidding membership in the Catholic Church, or other organizations with similar views on homosexuals?

When I was a Boy Scout, our organization was mainly about boys learning to tie knots, camp, shoot, and light fires without matches. There was also an underlying reverence toward God, but we were never involved in the rigmarole of American politics. Today, I feel rather sorry for the Boy Scouts, and any other organization that the PC Gestapo are trying to dismantle.

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