Boobies for War

A Small Victory reader Robert Modean gave quite an inspirational speech on the 'Boobies for War' effort. (Quick, someone grab that domain name!)

With all due apologies to Gen. George S. Patton and the 3rd Army...

Michele, et al, at ease Ladies.

Now I will not stand before you and claim that there is no ulterior motive in my adopting, neigh, advocating a Pro-War Boobies posture. I am a man. Like any red blooded American male few things move me more deeply, more passionately and more fully, than a really Bodacious set of Ta-Ta's.

Saddam has gained support from fifth column elements within the Anglosphere, you know them as "peace advocates". These "peace advocates" have found a chink in our armor. They are exploiting our healthy American libidos. They know that no true American could ever listen to the crap they spout and believe a turd of it. So when some poor, mis-guided, mush brained boy or girl gets near, they disrobe and - my God it makes ill to think of them, unwashed and unshaved - expose their boobies for "peace". I say again - they are baring their bongos to confuse the issue.

Now all the crap anti-war, pro-Saddam, neo-commie peacenick bastards have been spouting about Americans not wanting to fight, about the people wanting us to stay out of Iraq and avoid a war, well it's all a load of horseshit. We are Americans. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were a child did you play "Hide the Weasel up Froggy's Ass" or did you play "Kill the man with the ball"? Well the other team has just greased up a weasel, so do we bend over or do we take of our shirts and show them what sweater kittens really look like?

As children, who among us did not admire the strongest, the fastest, the most gifted athletes? We emulated them. We aspired to be them. We didn't snivel into our momma's skirts and cry about how unfair it was we weren't as good! We just tried harder. That's what Americans do, we try harder. The enemy's advocates have upped the ante. We know their sportin' a pair and it's time we called their bluff in the buff with our Bouncing Betties.

We are at war. We will need every resource for what's ahead, every man and every woman, every shoulder to wheel and every shoulder boulder to the fore, because this isn't just any war, this is our war. And wars are won with Teamwork. We have to live, sleep, eat, and fight as a team - showering as a team may also be required. Now those namby pamby pinkos like Max "Speaks to an empty room" Sawicky who talk about the deaths of innocents and the burden that the Iraqi people will pay, are shoveling shit against the tide. The bilious bastards who write that crap don't know any more about real battle than they do about a sock full of shit. We have the finest equipment, the best food, the greatest men of any army ever assembled. And now it is time, for the once and all, for us to show the enemy's advocates that our team has the best breasts in the west!

We have seen the enemy and they don't shave! We can smell the enemy because they don't bathe! Modesty in the service of the enemy is no virtue, Nudity in the cause of liberty is no vice! I say again, we must bare any burden, for the price of victory is ne'er so dear as the cost of defeat.

For anyone who is unfamiliar with the 'Boobies for War' campaign, we anti-anti-war protestors are trying to close the 'booby-gap'. It would seem that with all the 'Boobies for Peace' being bared out there, we are far behind and have a lot of catching up to do.

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