Ravenwood's Vote

Senate - George Allen (R) - Allen is my kind of conservative. I know he's a Wahoo, but he went to bat for the Hokies when the ACC cherry picked the Big East. He was also seen at the Clemson game with his arm around a comely Miss Virginia. The only reason Dems have given us to vote against George Allen is for his use of the word 'macacca', of which nobody seems to know the meaning.

House - Undecided, leaning (R) - I used to live in Jim Moran's district, where the decision was simple. Even the Washington Post wonders how Moran keeps getting re-elected:

Challenging Moran should be the easiest job in America. After all, this is the congressman who -- you'll need a deep breath to make it to the end of this sentence -- grabbed an 8-year-old boy in a parking lot because Moran thought the kid had threatened him; borrowed $25,000 from a drug company lobbyist five days before agreeing to co-sponsor a bill that would help that lobbyist's client; took a $447,000 loan from a credit company four days before signing on to legislation that the company was pushing; got into a shoving match on the House floor with one colleague; threatened to punch another congressman in the nose; and just last year told an audience that there'd be no war against Iraq without the support of the Jewish community. Whew.
Tom Davis stinks and I don't know anything about the no-name Democrat who's running against him. I may just leave this one blank. The only real reason to vote for Davis is to keep the party of impeachment, cut and run, and open borders from gaining control of the House.

Gay Marriage Amendment - I wish there was an amendment to remove government interferance in marriage altogether. I don't care if gays marry, and I don't see how one person's marriage affects somebody else's.


George Allen is an unreconstructed idiot with the mental agility of a damp sponge. I could call him a racist, but that seems like overkill. Judging by his public appearances, Allen couldn't spell "cat" if you spotted him the "c" and the "a". Surely, Virginia deserves better.

Posted by: Jack Cluth at November 1, 2006 11:44 PM

Come on now Jack. If you're going to steal Hollywood Henderson's joke, you gotta get it right. It's "He couldn't spell 'cat' if you spotted him the 'c' and the 't'."

Of course Henderson was talking about the great Terry Bradshaw. Where's Bradshaw now, compared to Thomas Henderson?

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 2, 2006 8:18 AM

"the mental agility of a damp sponge."

Another case of the kettle calling the pot black.

Posted by: Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner at November 2, 2006 8:25 AM

Tom Davis subpoenad Terri Schaivo, Andrew Hurst thinks it is important to protect your privacy. You might want to take a glance at Hurst's site -

Posted by: Alice Marshall at November 2, 2006 11:36 AM

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