Disarming Mike Wallace

Countertop notes that since 60 Minutes' Mike Wallace was caught supporting anti-gun fundraisers and speaking out against gun ownership, he's been banned from reporting on the issue.

CBSNews Blog reports:

I spoke with Mason late yesterday and she told me how CBS News will deal with this issue in the future. Mason said that if Wallace "suggests a story that we feel is a potential conflict, we'll look at it and if we see a conflict, we'll turn it down." I take that to mean we won't be seeing Mr. Wallace doing any more stories involving Second Amendment issues...

When I first addressed this issue, it was with mixed feelings. I sympathized with Wallace and the explanation he provided me for his appearance. He emphasized what he saw as his humorous approach to his comments and his focus on his very good friend's 80th birthday party. But I also found the fact he had brought a video addressing the gun issue to be troubling.

I have since seen some of Wallace's remarks and am far less conflicted. In introducing the video, Wallace calls Heston the "self-righteous enemy of the Sarah and Jim Brady bunch." Coming out of the video, he mocks Heston's widely-seen comments that the government would take away his gun only from his "cold, dead hands." And he referenced, we assume, the relatively unknown position on gun control of Chief Justice John Roberts, calling him part of "the legions of the already convinced."

Wallace told me his appearance was "meant to be and was received as a joke." If so, it was one that was out of my range of humor... Even so, Wallace did make reference to the gun debate in a way that made him identifiable with one side of this issue.

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Has anyone else noticed that so many of these uber journalists, like Wallace, who we used to have at least a grudging admiration for, are more and more revealed as casual liars. Rather and CBS just flat out lied in calling the then anonymous Burkett an "unimpeachable source" and felt no need to apologize afterwards. Wallace brings a film and a speech to the Brady Center fund raiser and tells his listeners that he just happened to stop by, as a joke more or less. I guess he thought we would picture him dropping in on Johnny Carson because he happened to be walking by the studio. What a shameless bunch of liars our 'truthtellers' have turned out to be.

Posted by: mikem at October 27, 2005 3:21 PM

Nothing like unbiased reporting at CBS.

Posted by: Derek at October 28, 2005 9:22 AM

CBS the Communist Broadcasting System and Mikie Wallace we should just go give CBS a black eye by just not watching any of their affiliates

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 31, 2005 4:39 PM

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