Revenge of the Nerds: The BCS

Sportswriters and football coaches say that USC is #1 and Texas is #2. The BCS whirling dervish says they're wrong. Sure, they've devoted their lives to the game, but that doesn't mean that writers and coaches know anything about football.

The BCS is a system of computers programmed by geeks who've probably never even played football. They calculate who the best teams really are without worrying too much about minor things like points and who actually won the game. For instance your team can win all their games but still finish below a team that lost some of their games, because the guys you played weren't as good as the guys they played. Or worse, they guys your opponents played weren't as good as the guys their opponents played. Or if you thumped one team and they thumped another, they get more points than you because they had more first downs.

Not surprisingly, the sportswriters were a little bit upset at being included in this convoluted farce of a ranking system and threatened to sue the BCS for souring their name. This was quickly followed by ESPN pulling out of the BCS. (They didn't even bother to call the next morning.)

Not to be dissuaded, the BCS went out and got anyone who could spell the word 'football' to rank the schools and make up the infamous Harris Poll, named after actor Ed Harris who's head is shaped like a football. This new poll was filled with voters who proceeded to rank their favorite 0 and 4 teams above some undefeated teams.

I think the fact that they've managed to hijack college football with a bank of computers - who pretend to know more about football than the people who actually earn their living playing, coaching, or reporting about the sport - is the ultimate revenge of the nerds. This is revenge for every kid that was ever taunted or beat up by some dumb high school jock.

And if it just so happens that the #2 and #3 team end up playing for the so-called "National Championship" instead of the #1 team, than so be it. Computers are never wrong.

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I am not a huge fan of the computer polls, but the human polls are at least a error prone. Don't forget the "Notre Dame factor."

(For those that don't know, the Notre Dame factor dictates that Notre Dame is actually much better than their record indicates, so a 7-4 ND team will get a bowl birth over a 10-1 team almost every time. This is attributed to sports writers and other hangers on buying into the bullshit from a very young age.)

Posted by: Nick Bourbaki at October 25, 2005 9:52 AM

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