You won't like me when I'm hungry!

Society has become so impatient, that waiting for the microwave isn't fast enough.

A Walgreens employee allegedly stabbed a co-worker in an argument over who could microwave her soup first, authorities said.

Both women wanted to use the microwave in the employee break room Wednesday afternoon, according to the Broward County Sheriff's Office.

While they were fighting over who could use the microwave first, Mellesia Grant grabbed a large kitchen knife off the counter and stabbed Merloze Tilme in the abdomen, the sheriff's office said.

Grant was arrested for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and held on a $50,000 bond. No word on whether or not she was also fired.

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Microwaves aren't fast on heating soup (water in general). What they're good at is heating interiors without having to wait for thermal conduction to get there.

But they put a KW into water, more or less exactly like a stove, and so it heats at the same rate given that conduction isn't a delaying factor, which in water it isn't. You're perfectly happy to heat only exterior water. It mixes on its own, by convection not conduction, which is a thousand times faster.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at October 17, 2005 1:51 PM

But she did get to use the microwave first, right?

Who says crime doesn't pay?

Posted by: Brian J. at October 18, 2005 12:43 AM

Good thing she didn't have TWO bowls of soup, there might have been a massacre...

Posted by: Robert Garrard at October 18, 2005 9:07 AM

Hey i like having a mocrowave oven i use it to heat soup and hot cocoa and i use it on TV dinners nothing bad its just some persons have no patiants would it be better if it were replicated HEY THERES A TRIBBLE IN MY CHICKEN SOUP

Posted by: screaming eagle at October 18, 2005 10:01 PM

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