You get what you pay for

Reuters "news" service reports, almost shockingly, that DOLLARS continue to drive access to health care in the United States. That's right our insensitive, money grubbing doctors are more concerned about being paid than they are about providing service to customers. According to the latest study du jour, patients who provided an ability to pay for health care were much more likely to be given an appointment than those who admitted not having any money.

Callers claiming they had private insurance were also much more likely to secure appointments than were callers claiming to have no insurance but who offered to pay $20.00 and arrange payment for the balance due, typically about $80.00.

There was no difference in rates of secured appointments between callers claiming private insurance and those who were uninsured but willing to pay the entire $100 fee for the visit. Clearly, the ability to pay matters, Asplin said.

It's also noteworthy, he said, that 98 percent of clinics screened callers for a source of payment but only 28 percent attempted to determine the severity of the callers medical condition. This shows that "financial screening trumps medical triage in our care system," Asplin said.

In the United States we call that capitalism, whereby people who pay for things get preferential treatment over those who don't. Compare this to socialist/facist health care systems where everybody gets the same crappy service. The Utopian system - where everything is free, nobody has to wait, and doctors are paid with hippy love and high self esteem - does not exist.

But why should health care be any different than any other good or service? A few months ago I purchased a rather expensive item, even though someone else was already bidding for it. Apparently the seller was impressed by my ability to pay cash for it, whereas the other buyer was promising to come up with the money somehow... maybe. Why would we expect doctors to be any different?

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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What sort of world do these authors live in that this is even worth mentioning? Nobody goes to Starbucks expecting that they'll get their chocomochalatte by promising to arrange payments. There aren't any articles about the caffiene service industry and its cruel demands for cash.

Posted by: Jay Kominek at September 15, 2005 10:02 AM

Does anyone know someone who was actually denied critically-needed care for financial reasons? (Not including Canadians who couldn't afford to come the the USA and get something done now instead of being put on a waiting list for socialized medicine that's so long they'll probably die before they get it.)

Posted by: markm at September 15, 2005 2:25 PM

Shouldn't they have had a third option of "cash up front"? You know, they pay the whole fee in cash (none of this "I'll pay you later" stuff).

Posted by: Alcibiades at September 15, 2005 5:15 PM

That is one of the choices. In a nutshell they are:

1) My insurance will pay
2) I'll pay up front
3) I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 15, 2005 6:49 PM

markm, it is my (potentially flawed) understanding that most if not all states require hospitals to treat anyone who walks into the emergency room. So nobody is ever going to die of a heart attack for lack of ability to pay. Cancer, yes. Anything the emergency room can do something about, no.
I recall a case of some women giving who were denied pain killers because of suspected inability to pay, but, they were still assisted through the birth. I guess the laws don't say the hospitals have to make you comfortable. :)

Posted by: Jay Kominek at September 15, 2005 10:54 PM

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