Finger Pointing

If you need to blame someone for the evacuation snafu in New Orleans, look no further than the City of New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan:

The safe evacuation of threatened populations when endangered by a major catastrophic event is one of the principle reasons for developing a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The thorough identification of at-risk populations, transportation and sheltering resources, evacuation routes and potential bottlenecks and choke points, and the establishment of the management team that will coordinate not only the evacuation but which will monitor and direct the sheltering and return of affected populations, are the primary tasks of evacuation planning. Due to the geography of New Orleans and the varying scales of potential disasters and their resulting emergency evacuations, different plans are in place for small-scale evacuations and for citywide relocations of whole populations.

Authority to issue evacuations of elements of the population is vested in the Mayor. By Executive Order, the chief elected official, the Mayor of the City of New Orleans, has the authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane...

General evacuations that may result from an approaching hurricane will be ordered by the Mayor of the City, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness. The area affected by the warning may range from blocks and portions of neighborhoods, to the entire city...

The City of New Orleans will utilize all available resources to quickly and safely evacuate threatened areas. Those evacuated will be directed to temporary sheltering and feeding facilities as needed. When specific routes of progress are required, evacuees will be directed to those routes. Special arrangements will be made to evacuate persons unable to transport themselves or who require specific life saving assistance. Additional personnel will be recruited to assist in evacuation procedures as needed.

This hasn't been covered by the mainstream media, but New Orleans did have a plan for evacuating prior to a Hurricane. The problem is that the local bureaucracy broke down and the plan was not implemented at all. Now they're blaming Bush, blaming FEMA, blaming the feds for not coming down there and saving them. Let the finger-pointing begin.

Then there's this, from Drudge

Editors at TIMES-PICAYUNE on Monday called for every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency to be fired. In an open letter to President Bush, the paper said: "Our people deserved rescuing. Many who could have been were not. That's to the government's shame."

But the TIMES-PICAYUNE published a story on July 24, 2005 stating: City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give a historically blunt message: "In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own."

Click to supersizeCraig Martelle from the PittsburgH Post-Gazette notes that FEMA is not intended to be a first responder. What's more, he notes that New Orlean's emergency management plan explicitly states that the local government coordinates "all city departments and allied state and federal agencies which respond to citywide disasters and emergencies". They also provide this very telling AP photo of flooded out New Orleans school buses that could have been used for evacuating citizens, but weren't.

Martelle opines:

Who could have predicted the anarchy resulting as a consequence? The individuals who devolved into lawless animals embarrass the entirety of America. (I worked in a U.S. Embassy overseas for a couple years and I can imagine what foreign diplomats are thinking.) What societal factors would ever lead people to believe that this behavior was even remotely acceptable?

The folks in New Orleans who are perpetrating the violence and lawlessness are not that way because of low income or of race, but because they personally do not have any honor or commitment to higher ideals. The civil-rights leaders should be ashamed at playing the blame game.

The blame is on the individuals. The blame is on the society that allowed these individuals to develop the ideal that the individual is greater than the national pride he is destroying. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was very clear in her comments that she was offended at those who suggested the suffering in New Orleans was prolonged because of race.

As a retired Marine, I hang my head in shame to see my fellow Americans degenerate so far. I spent so many years in the Corps helping the citizens of other countries rise to a higher level of personal responsibility to ensure that in case of emergency, anarchy did not necessarily follow. When people are held to a higher standard of personal responsibility and they accept that, then they will do the right thing when the time comes.

I have always advocated personal responsibility. I have a "go" bag ready in case just such an emergency develops in my area. Not to mention that it's preferable that local governments handle local problems. The last thing we want is the imperial federal government running in like John Wayne every time the wind blows.

Category:  All Bush's Fault
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I have a whole "Bug Out" Stockpile. Extra food, water, survival gear, communication radio's, guns, ammo, a plan for the wife and I to pick up our kids from school and day care, and a back up plan, and last but not least a primary and secondary rendezvous points.

There is no way I will put the safety of my family in the governments hands.

Posted by: Derek at September 7, 2005 8:41 AM

Just an FYI, Pittsburgh has an H at the end, stupid I know, but we like the "H" and have dropped it only to bring it back.

Posted by: John at September 7, 2005 11:33 AM

Not Pittsburg, Kansas.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 7, 2005 11:39 AM

I believe they panicked or forgot they even had a plan.

Posted by: Sgt Fluffy at September 7, 2005 1:55 PM

The mayor was asked about his role in the debacle. His response was "I was here, where was everybody else?" Apparently he was unaware that being there was not his important job, overseeing the evacuation and securing the designated refuge (Superdome) was. He seemed to be unaware that he had failed almost totally. It was not his fault that a huge storm came and breached the levy, but to then blame others is pathetic.
If the people of LA do not impeach both the governor and this mayor, they deserve what they get.
Like most, I am sympathetic to the infirm and elderly. The able-bodied need to look in the mirror and ask why they were totally unprepared.
And before some bleeding heart brings up the poverty, forget it, a decent e-bag can be assembled for a few dollars, and if need be one item a month added would still be better than nothing.

Posted by: Michael at September 7, 2005 3:48 PM

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