Illegal aliens sue 'Minute Men', awarded Arizona gun range

Illegal aliens sneaking into the United States apparently had to cross land owned by members of Ranch Rescue, a group that advocates strict enforcement of immigration laws. The illegals were caught and released, but later sued for emotional distress. Well, they won and are now being awarded ownership of an Arizona gun range.

Mancia and Leiva were caught on a ranch in Hebbronville, Texas, in March 2003 by Nethercott and other members of Ranch Rescue. The two immigrants later accused Nethercott of threatening them and of hitting Mancia with a pistol. The immigrants also said that the group gave them cookies, water and a blanket and let them go after an hour or so.

The Salvadorans testified against Nethercott when he was tried by Texas prosecutors. The jury deadlocked on a pistol-whipping charge but convicted Nethercott, who had previously served time in California for assault, of gun possession. He is serving a five-year sentence in Texas.

Mancia and Leiva also filed a lawsuit against Nethercott; Jack Foote, the founder of Ranch Rescue; and the owner of the Hebbronville ranch, Joe Sutton. The immigrants said the ordeal had left them with post-traumatic stress.

Sutton settled for $100,000. Nethercott and Foote did not defend themselves, so the judge issued default judgments of $850,000 against Nethercott and $500,000 against Foote.

Nethercott's only substantial assets was a gun range in Arizona, known as Camp Thunderbird - "headquarters of a paramilitary group that vowed to use force to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border." It has been seized and awarded to the plaintiffs. The two illegals are still in the United States and have said that they will likely sell the ranch rather than take possession of it. They have both applied for visas "available to immigrants who are the victims of certain crimes".

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That makes me very mad. Confiscating a gun range to give to illegal aliens. Something needs to be done about this. I'll contribute to an appeal fund, a fund to recall the judge, or an ammo fund to shoot illegal aliens. Let me know.

Posted by: Kingslasher at August 22, 2005 7:44 AM

2 Words....Morris Dees.....Race Pimp

Posted by: Sgt Fluffy at August 22, 2005 9:29 AM

APPEAL, APPEAL, APPEAL. This is the most insane judgement I have ever heard. Absolute total bullshit.
Let's see : illegal immigrants were caught trespassing, given sustanance and then let go. Oh yeah, the owners so totally abused their precious civil rights.

Kick the little fookers the hell out of the country and throw this damn case out.

I guess Texas has looney liberal judges too. I never thought I would see the day when Texas would be a judicial embarassement.

Posted by: Drew at August 22, 2005 12:30 PM

It was a default judgment, meaning Nethercott and Foote didn't show up in court and defend themselves at all. There's got to be a story behind that...

Posted by: markm at August 22, 2005 12:33 PM


I suspect that when someone shows up to seize said gun range, things may get... interesting.

I cannot help but wonder if this will be another case of someone's personal limit being reached.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at August 22, 2005 7:17 PM

I think that this siezure is a point where the talking stops and the shooting starts. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be on the team that serves that order. ESPECIALLY not at Camp Thunderbird. Isn't it easier to just shoot yourself and make sure it is quick?

Posted by: Phelps at August 22, 2005 7:33 PM

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