WMD found in Iraq, again

A cache of Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found in Iraq. But the Washington Post makes assures us that these are new WMDs, created because of President Bush's illegal war for oil.

Combined, the chemicals would yield an agent capable of "lingering hazards" for those exposed to it, [Lt. Col. Steven A. Boylan] said. The likely targets would have been "coalition and Iraqi security forces, and Iraqi civilians," partly because the chemicals would be difficult to keep from spreading over a wide area, he said.

Boylan said the suspected lab was new, dating from some time after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Bush administration cited evidence that Saddam Hussein's government was manufacturing weapons of mass destruction as the main justification for the invasion. No such weapons or factories were found.

Maybe Washington Post reporters should actually read the Washington Post, which reported back in May 2004 that a weapon of mass destruction dated from the first Gulf War had been used against U.S. troops.
An artillery shell containing the nerve agent sarin exploded near a U.S. military convoy in Baghdad recently, releasing a small amount of the deadly chemical and slightly injuring two ordnance disposal experts, a top U.S. military official in Iraq said yesterday.

The discovery of the nerve agent, reported yesterday by a team that has been searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq since shortly after last year's U.S.-led invasion, marked the first time the team has found one of the types of weapons that the Bush administration cited as initial justification for toppling the government of Saddam Hussein.
The Post also seems to be forgetting the more than three dozen vials of sarin found in Falluja, or the cache of blister agent shells found by coalition troops.

Those findings had been ignored because they weren't considered "stockpiles" of WMD. Now they don't even want to admit that they were found at all.

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You have to define what the meaning of "found" is to them

Posted by: Sgt Fluffy at August 17, 2005 2:09 PM

Lets see: a bunch of plastic barrels inside a concrete room or bunker, a mixer and some rubber boots. Just how the heck can they tell how long this factory has been there? Sounds like Wannabe to me.

No evidence!! No evidence!! No matter what we find!!!

Posted by: Drew at August 17, 2005 3:37 PM

There might be records indicating that this particular building was searched before, and the stuff wasn't there. Or a lazy soldier signed the form saying the search had been done without actually doing it... but I think it more likely that the place was searched soon after we took over Iraq, and the stuff has come back from some other hiding place (like Syria) since then.

Posted by: markm at August 18, 2005 12:33 PM

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