Fatwah Rhetoric

Well, it was only a matter of time before a fatwah was issued against a blogger. While I cannot imagine why someone would walk across the street to kill me, apparently some terrorists are considering crossing the globe to come after Chris Byrne at Anarch Angel. You gotta live Chris' response:

If you attempt to do anything to me, to my friends, to anyone I care about; I WILL KILL YOU. I will not simply defend myself, I WILL kill you, and while you are dying I will piss on you.

I have jsut rolled all my bullets in pig fat. I'm going to start carying around pieces of swine flesh with me; and I'll shove them into your wounds, then force feed them to you. Then I'll cut your cock and balls off and shove them down your throat.

I am heavily armed at all times, I have booby trapped my car and my home, and I am waiting for you. If you come after me or mine, you will die, and I will make damned sure you won't see paradise for all eternity you evil motherfuckers.

Category:  Get Your War On
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Wow, now if only the US would respond like he did

Posted by: Sgt Fluffy at July 18, 2005 1:45 PM

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