Police Chief's Car Stolen

Keep in mind that crime can happen anywhere, at anytime, to anyone.

Wanted: Stolen car. Make and model: Ford Crown Victoria. Owner: D.C. Police Department. Reported stolen by: Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey.

So goes the saga of car theft in the District, where even the police chief's department-issued car can get swiped just a block from his home.

The car was unmarked and contained no firearms, but there was riot gear in the trunk. Union officials claim that an ordinary officer would be disciplined for leaving his gear in the car, and that Chief Ramsey should also face disciplinary action.

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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The car surely also had a radio and computer, both useful to someone wishing to evade police or carry out an attack. Do you suppose the DC Metro guys are now out combing the city for the car? Breaking fingers to make someone talk? Turning up the heat on their snitches?
Do you suppose they even know how?

Posted by: charlie32 at June 21, 2005 9:31 AM

Hmm, in my home town they leave their arsenals in their vehicles. They must have a different policy.

I wonder about the computer, though. They have access to everyone's record in the U.S. if it is not password protected or if they break the password. Plus, they may have access to homeland security warnings and threats that are not open to the general public..

Posted by: Rhett at June 22, 2005 2:31 PM

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