1984: Police collecting biometric data on children

This is how it starts. Parents are being encouraged to have their children's eyes scanned and entered into a database for identification purposes. Then if your kid goes missing, it will supposedly be easier to identify him.

Children stand about a foot away from a camera that takes a picture of the iris, which stretches in the first six months after birth and leaves marks. After that, it doesn't change.

Parents get a driver's license-sized card that includes a picture and the iris scan. Then parents can decide whether to release the child's information to the national database or just keep the card.

It takes about 15 seconds for the iris to be photographed and about nine seconds to search the database for a match.

At least they are giving parents the option to hold onto the card and not enter it into the database right away. Still, I can't help but be wary that this may soon be compulsory, and implemented in government schools. Banks and local retailers are already turning to fingerprint scans as a means of identification for payment.

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