...but by the content of their character

Just how obsessed is the media with pigeon holing everyone into racial identity groups? Well the Ass. Press says that now that Judge Janice Rogers Brown has been appointed to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Governor Schwarzenegger will have a "black seat" to fill on the California Supreme Court.

Absent Brown, the court would be left with a white woman, an Asian woman, two white men, and an Asian man and a Hispanic man. The court consists of six Republicans, one Democrat and is moderately conservative under Chief Justice Ronald M. George, a white Republican.

"I think he's going to look very hard for a qualified black nominee," said Jack Pitney, a Claremont College government professor. "It's a combination of equity and politics. The equity consideration is that African Americans deserve representation on all levels of government. The political consideration, the failure to name an African American, would subject him to criticism."

I'll play along and assume that Judges are supposed to represent the people rather than simply apply the law evenly and fair regardless of who you are. Apparently if you aren't black you can't represent black people.

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