Weasel Watch

After seeing what happened in Iraq, Libya gave up it's nuclear program. Perhaps Qadaffi didn't want to share that spider hole with Saddam. So what do the French do? They offer to send them nuclear technology.

France will "soon" offer Libya a cooperation agreement to help Tripoli develop its civilian nuclear energy program, the French foreign ministry said Tuesday.

"The principle of cooperation in the area of peaceful applications of nuclear energy is a given, but the content has yet to be defined. We're still in the exploratory phase," said ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei.

"We will soon offer an agreement to the Libyans on what can be done," the spokesman told reporters.

France's ambassador to Tripoli on Monday handed Libyan Foreign Minister Abdelrahman Shalgham an official note announcing France's readiness to cooperate with Tripoli on its nuclear power projects, officials said.

Now, why would a country who produces nearly 10 times as much oil as they consume be so interested in nuclear technology?

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The French have wanted Libya's money for a long time. This is the same country that wouldn't let us fly over it when we bombed Libya in to the stone age.

Just another item added to the list of why the French are balless. And another example of how dangerous people are with short term memory.

Posted by: Derek Hoskins at June 2, 2005 9:26 AM

"Now, why would a country who produces nearly 10 times as much oil as they consume be so interested in nuclear technology?"

Why, to be environmentally conscious, of course!

Posted by: Kevin Baker at June 2, 2005 9:59 AM

"Now, why would a country who produces nearly 10 times as much oil as they consume be so interested in nuclear technology?"

Because that leaves more for them to sell to other countries. If you are raising livestock to sell, you don't eat them yourself, you find another source of meat, such as hunting, so that you don't dip into your cash source.
Take this from someone who has known a lot of cattle and sheep stockmen.

Posted by: Robert Garrard at June 2, 2005 11:12 AM

Good point. When I worked at The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, everyone there was drinking Pepsi, so that they would have more Coke to sell to customers.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Posted by: Ravenwood at June 2, 2005 11:22 AM

What kind of reactor does The Coca-Cola Company operate?

A fizzion reactor!

Posted by: Steve Scudder at June 2, 2005 11:46 AM

Killer diplomacy, this. Nuanced.

Posted by: Brett at June 2, 2005 1:10 PM

From a different government, this could look like being foresighted. "Someday we'll run out of oil and not have floods of foreign money, so we'll use some of that money now to build nuclear power plants for later." But "foresighted" isn't an adjective that comes to mind when thinking about Qaddafi...

But the French are being foresighted. They'll surrender before they're invaded!

Posted by: markm at June 2, 2005 3:43 PM

How much of this has to go on before the US stops considering France an ally?

Why exactly do we need the French so much? Their military is insignificant and unwilling, their economy is down the toilet, freedoms are diminishing in the drive toward socialism, and they constantly do exactly the opposite of us. If that defines a worthy "ally", then Iran must be one of our best friends.

When I read stuff like this, I remember why I seriously dig the British so much.

Posted by: roger at June 3, 2005 6:31 AM

Well put Roger, I agree with you 100%.

Posted by: Derek at June 3, 2005 9:04 AM

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