The Untamed Fire of Freedom III

iconPresident Bush's call for the expansion of freedom claimed another victory, as freedom in the Middle East is spreading.

The Lebanese government abruptly resigned Monday during a stormy parliamentary debate, prompting a tremendous roar from tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in Beirut's Martyrs Square.

The demonstrators, awash in a sea of red, white and green Lebanese flags, had demanded the pro-Syrian government's resignation -- and the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon -- since the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri two weeks ago.

Syria has stated that it will comply with U.N. Resolution 1559, a 2004 decree that demands Syrian troops withdraw from Lebanon. Syria first agreed to pull out way back in 1989 with the Taif agreement. Better late than never.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of CNN readers think this is no big deal.

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