ABC found their Inauguration Day funeral

iconOn Thursday I noted a Powerline Blog report that ABC was looking to do a story on the funeral of an Iraqi war soldier to provide "balance" to their Inauguration coverage. Powerline wryly noted that soldiers being buried on Wednesday or Today aren't good enough, nor are those killed in Afghanistan, a training exercise, or aiding Tsunami relief.

James Taranto notes that ABC got their story:

Peter Jennings: Fair to say, we think, that at some point today here in Washington, the war in Iraq was on everyone's mind, when the president spoke; when the antiwar demonstrators shouted as the president went by; when one or another military unit did something here today as part of the celebration. And we thought, too, of the many wounded at the army hospital here, watching it all on television.

And in Rockport, Texas, today, just about the time the president was speaking, there was a funeral for a young marine reservist, 21 year-old Matthew Holloway was killed in Iraq last week by a roadside bomb. His brother told a local paper that as much as Matthew wanted to be home, he was very proud of what he was doing in Iraq, and it is something you hear from so many people in the services, including the 10,000 who have already been wounded.

How can they be so shameless? ABC deliberately sought out a report of a military funeral just to thumb their nose at the Bush Administration's celebration.

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I can't really find words for my disgust at ABC over this. I find it more offensive than the CBS story, and I wish they would catch more hell for it. Outside of the blogosphere, anyway.

Posted by: Adam Lawson at January 21, 2005 7:24 PM

What's so amazing is that they see this kind of story creation as "balance". And it WAS a creation. ABC decided that by showing a funeral of a heroic member of the armed forces, this would somehow shame the Bush administration. What garbarge.

Posted by: kjo at January 22, 2005 3:35 PM

This does nothing but further the assertion that the MSM is out of touch with reality and hell-bent on agenda-culture, while continuing to lose it's credibility.

Posted by: Steve Scudder at January 23, 2005 10:25 AM

I would call this balance if they would have done similar to clinton. Like played the videos of soldiers' bodies being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, or pictures of the great Waco burnings. I see this as little more than an attempt to undermind an elected government.

Posted by: Rhett at January 24, 2005 12:36 AM

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