NYT trying to put bloggers out of business

iconThe New York Times is considering charging users to read their tripe. The real question is how bloggers will continue to exist without such a wealth of misinformation around to fisk any more.

UPDATE: The big worry here is that many other papers will follow suit, just as they have for annoying site registration. However, even if pay for play is the only way to go, the demand for news and comment will still be there. Now that I think about it (with some help from Ralph's comment), if all the news sites start charging a fee maybe bloggers will become even more relevant and popular.

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I think such a move would render the old gray slut even more irrelevant. Either that or you'll find a site pay for registration then post, with attribution of course, significant portions of text available to everyone else.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at January 10, 2005 9:18 AM

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