Gun grabbers going after shooting ranges

iconOne of the latest anti-gun crusades seems to be legal challenges and legislative attacks on gun clubs and shooting ranges. Anti-gunners typically claim to be supporting gun safety, but not giving gun owners a place to practice shooting contradicts that dubious claim.

For the past 60 years, gun enthusiasts have been firing rounds at the San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, the largest shooting range in Southern California.

But now the club is in the crosshairs, since residents of the city of Azusa say it no longer fits in with the area's increasingly suburban way of life.

Some are lobbying the City Council to adopt a new general zoning plan that would force out the gun club when its lease expires next year.

...people who live nearby say they've put up with relentless gunfire echoing throughout the canyon, hour after hour. The firing gets so loud, they say, that they have to stay inside all day to get any peace and quiet.

Here's an idea. If you want peace and quiet, DON'T MOVE NEXT DOOR TO A GUN RANGE! It's a bit like moving to Las Vegas and trying to outlaw gambling. Or neon lights. Or Elvis.

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This behavior is encouraged by the anti-gun lobby.

Legislate what you don't like right out of existence.

Posted by: Steve Scudder at January 7, 2005 7:25 PM

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