UN: U.S. is 'stingy' and should raise taxes to give more

iconAm I the only one who is infuriated over remarks from a U.N. official that the United States is stingy when it comes to foreign aid? Perhaps we should cancel our annual contribution to the United Nations, and sell off that prime Manhattan real estate they occupy so that we will have more to give.

I have often dreamed of booting the U.N. out of New York. We could kill two birds with one stone if we gave them the boot and used the savings to donate more to charity.

I'm sure that it would make a perfect Scrappleface parody, except that Scott Ott is too busy rounding up charitable donations.

UPDATE: More on U.N. humanitarian aid chief, Jan Egeland, who said the U.S. is stingy and would have more to give if we had higher taxes.

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I would vote for almost any pol who campaigned on an "UN out of NY" platform. Where does this clown get off criticizing us for not being the top giver by a wider margin?!?!? Ruined my lunch, thanks.

Posted by: Michael at December 28, 2004 12:26 PM

The worst thing about it is that it makes me want to give less, or not anything at all.

Why should I? Isn't American hegemony moved along by this addiction of the rest of the world to American dollars? Isn't it morally superior to not interfere with another country?

I'm sure the poor little wet, naked and possibly orphaned Sri Lankan kid will thank me one day, for not contributing to his dependence on the Great Satan.


I don't actually mean anything I'm saying, I just feel like saying something along those lines to the U.N.

Posted by: Persnickety at December 28, 2004 2:41 PM

I think it is time for the U.N. to F.O.A.D.!

Posted by: Steve Scudder at December 28, 2004 5:18 PM

You have to understand that to this UN toady, he only sees what the fedgov contributes. He sees not at all what individuals contribute voluntarily. For him, if it does not come from a government, it doesn't count.

He's another one of those people who believe that all members of a society should have higher taxation, which he sees as "obligatory charity" - neglecting the fact that, if it's "obligatory" it is, by definition, not "charity."

This is a common mindset among the governing crowd.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at December 28, 2004 5:50 PM

Why doesn't the UN use some of that skimmed "oil for food" money.

As far as raising taxes, I have a proposal on that. Lets make taxes by party affiliation. Then the Democrats can raise taxes all they want and leave us alone.

Posted by: Sandi at December 30, 2004 12:42 AM

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