Kerry may sue Swift Vets

iconNews Max reports that John Kerry might sue the Swift Vets' leader John O'Neill for libel. The Kerry campaign had tried to silence the Vets during the campaign, which ended up backfiring and giving them more publicity than ever.

But proving a libel suit against a public figure is no easy task. Kerry would have to not only prove the charges were false, but he would need to prove that they were made willfully with malice and negligence.

I think delving into whether or not there is any truth to the charges could be a risky strategy.

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Perhaps he should place the plans for a libel suit in a lockbox and forget about them.

Of course then he could say he voted for the lawsuit, before he voted against it.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at November 19, 2004 7:42 AM

If true, I would eagerly await the results of discovery. What better way to get access to the secretive Kerry's military records. Since life is not that good to me, I'll guess this is BS for publicity as "victim" with no actual legal action. I can dream though.

Posted by: mikem at November 19, 2004 1:35 PM

Ooh, ooh. Do it! Do it!

C'mon John. You don't have a hair on your ass if you don't.

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at November 19, 2004 6:30 PM

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