That dog don't hunt

iconBritain's pleasure police scored a big victory, forcing the ban of fox hunting with hounds. The centuries old sport has been outlawed because it is considered cruel to the fox, although it is still legal to shoot the little bastards as much as you want.

The divisive fox and hound debate has raged on for years in Britain. Hunting is considered a "popular country sport that is despised by many urbanites." So here you have a classic case of urban dwellers who want to force their way of life onto rural Britannia. They don't like hunting and they don't want anyone else to do it either. Typical of the pleasure police, you have an oppressive majority rule that consists of people that despise hunting, combined with those that don't hunt and are thus apathetic to the freedoms of those that do.

I'm reminded of the much revered and dearly departed comedian Jerry Clower, who used to have an axiom about coon hunting (the redneck equivalent of fox hunting). Mr. Clower used to say that hunting with dogs at least gave the prey a fighting chance that he wouldn't ordinarily have. A treed coon could either stay up there and get shot, or climb down, whip all those dogs, and walk away.

I think the fox would agree.

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