Some post-election observations

iconRather than post seperate entries for each thing, I will probably just be adding to this list as I think of more stuff.

1. For all intents and purposes, Bush has won. It doesn't appear possible that Kerry could pull out Ohio without some major fraud. By refusing to concede Kerry is either deluding himself, or he hopes to divide the country and further damage Bush's ability to lead and unite America.

2. Crackhead and former federal prison inmate Marion Barry has been elected to the DC city council. Barry won with a very dictatoresque 96% of the vote.

3. Equally embarrassing, Jim Moran won re-election in my own district. While he wasn't caught on tape smoking crack, he did pick a fight with an 8-year old, threatened or assaulted two different congressmen, and took nearly a half million dollars in questionable "loans" from lobbyists in exchange for legislative support. And of course, he blamed the whole Iraq/War on Terror thing on those dirty Jooos.

4. Fairfax passed all their bond referendums, illustrating to me that other people's money is no object in this county.

5. I want to say thank you to the residents of South Dakota for giving Tommie "Commie" Daschle the boot. The Senate Minority Leader has been one of the worst partisan hacks I've ever seen. Na na na na.. na na na na.. hey... hey... good bye.

6. Had I known Ohio was going to be so important, I would have voted there absentee rather than switching my registration to Virginia when I moved. (j/k) Actually I was still registered there up until I cancelled it a few months ago.

7. After Fox and NBC called Ohio for Bush, I switched over to CBS. Dan Rather seemed down right despondent. Someone should put him on a suicide watch.

8. Bush "won" the popular vote, with more votes than any President in history. Of course this has nothing to do with how we elect presidents, but just imagine what happens if Kerry does manage to steal Ohio and get an electoral majority. Everyone who had been harping over Al Gore's popular vote "win" will suddenly become the bastions of electoral college conservatism.

9. Speaking of the electoral college, kudos to Colorado voters for doing the right thing and defeating their referendum to apportion electoral votes popularly.

10. The mainstream media is making a big deal over the "surprise" that "Moral Values" was a major concern for voters. Voters are equally surprised that moral values isn't a major concern for the mainstream media.

11. Exit polling had Kerry winning in a landslide. Apparently the only thing exit polling is good for is proving that exit polling isn't good for anything.

12. Hilarious tidbit heard on the radio: Yesterday in Ohio, Republican volunteers where busy phoning every voter they could reach to encourage them to vote for Bush. Over the heads of the little old ladies manning the phones was a sign that read, "No phone number left behind".

13. With Denise Majette foolishly running for the Senate rather than defending her seat in the House, Georgia's 4th Congressional District put Cynthia McKinney back into office. Given McKinney's record and looking at where her campaign finances come from, she can pretty much be described as a terrorist sympathizer.

14. Kerry's defeat clears the way for Hillary to run in 2008. Maybe it was her, and not Karl Rove, who got Osama to release his latest terror tape.

15. FOX News called Ohio early. Very early. (Before they called Cali, in fact) The funny thing is that they don't want to stick Ohio back into the "undecided" column, so they are refusing to call Nevada. Nevada has been called for Bush by just about everybody, but at FOX they already have Bush at 269 with Ohio. If they called Nevada that would force their hand to either declare Bush the winner, or remove Ohio. (Neither of which they want to do.)

16. By calling Ohio for Bush early, FOX will cement themselves as the "right wing" network in the minds of liberals. Never mind that MSNBC is in the exact same predicament. Never mind the fact that they will undoubtedly turn out to be correct.

17. Despite (or perhaps because of) Campaign Finance Reform, which was supposed to take the money out of politics, this was the most expensive presidential race in U.S. history.

18. New Yorkers have a short memory. Despite both former mayors Republican Rudy Giuliani and Democrat Ed Koch throwing their support behind President Bush, New York City still broke for Kerry almost 4 to 1. In the five boroughs combined, Kerry got 79.6% of the vote to Bush's 20.3%.

19. John Edwards was supposed to help Kerry in the South. Not only did Edwards lose his home state, he could not even carry his own district.

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The most Kerry could accomplish with lawsuits in Ohio at this point is to create a Tilden-Hayes type of situation where the new Congress gets to decide which slate of electors to accept - only this time, the clear majority in Congress matches the clear majority in the popular vote, so accusations that the election was stolen in Congress will just make the Democrats look even more ridiculous. (As if their candidates, their campaign, and whatever lawsuits they are about to file didn't do enough to discredit them...)

Posted by: markm at November 3, 2004 10:09 AM

By calling Ohio for Bush early, FOX will cement themselves as the "right wing" network in the minds of liberals.

To me, the fact that Fox called Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 correctly means that they will get 100% of my attention in November 2008.

Posted by: Phelps at November 3, 2004 4:29 PM

I do think they did a good job. When discussing Ohio, the stats guy talked about pools of voters here and there. He really seemed to know is stuff.

Prior to calling Ohio, Fox went explained the numbers, and backed it up by saying that it was a 300-1 shot that Kerry would pull it out.

I was convinced. I think it was a good call.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 3, 2004 4:36 PM

Wasn't Barry's campaign slogan, "I'll do everything I can to keep crack off DC's streets."

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at November 3, 2004 8:34 PM

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