California passes prison tobacco ban

iconPrisons in California are going smoke-free. Now, I'm not one to champion the rights of prisoners. I think they should get rid of cable TV and all the other amenities they today's prisoners enjoy.

But I am a realist, and one of the things I realize is that banning tobacco will not get rid of it. Instead, it will open up yet another black market that will increase violence and smuggling. Both drugs and weapons are banned in prisons, yet *surprise* both are readily available. If you have the will and enough money, just about anything is possible.

Yet supporters of the neo-temperance movement are naive enough to think that this will actually increase the health of prisoners and lower prison costs. But instead it is more likely to get people killed.

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But instead it is more likely to get people killed.

And that's a bad thing in the prison population how?

Posted by: Ralph Gizzip at September 29, 2004 8:41 AM

It isn't a bad thing as long as they kill each other, but how would you like to be one of two correctional officers locked in a cell block with 118 grumpy, smoke-free, withdrawal suffering convicts who might very well have smuggled a weapon in off of the rec yard?

That, by the way, is the actual guard to inmate ratio in most of the Ohio prisons.

Posted by: Tazteck at September 29, 2004 8:28 PM

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