Looking out for Biff Loman

iconAdvertisers in the U.K. are being told that their ads shouldn't discriminate against slackers.

A businesswoman has been banned from asking for 'hard-working' staff in a job ad because it discriminates against the lazy.

Beryl King was told by a Jobcentre that her advert for warehouse workers discriminated against people who were not industrious. [...]

Beryl, who owns two job agencies in Totton, Hants, offered �5.42 an hour for "warehouse packers who must be hard-working and reliable".

The Southampton Jobcentre is investigating. A spokesman said: "Words such as 'hardworking' can be accepted if used with a clear job description."

Will political correctness ever die?


And I thought this was just a joke

Posted by: Kevin Baker at September 17, 2004 12:55 PM

Is this an urban legend? It is just too delicious to be true, although I have read the same account and the details are the same. Still...

Posted by: mikem at September 17, 2004 1:28 PM

That article is a scream.

Posted by: mikem at September 17, 2004 1:35 PM

I work for the organisation concerned. No it doesn't surprise me. But it may not be official policy as the departmental employees that accept the ads are reliably boneheaded.

This same department aren't allowed to discriminate in other matters. They advertise for lap-dancers and "escorts". After a recent court case they have to place an ad for just about any legal job.

Advertising for a hard working stripper is prohibited. Advertising for a stripper is not.

Posted by: JonT at September 17, 2004 4:49 PM

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