Sharpton jumps on the Cosby bandwagon

iconOver the past few months, Bill Cosby has put himself out there by standing up for personal responsibility. After the original reaction of shock and awe wore off, Cosby's words seemed to be welcomed by many. And with Cosby getting lots of praise and attention, it was only a matter of time before the usual suspects of race warlords started jumping onto his bandwagon.

The Rev. Al Sharpton and African-American members of Congress had one word Wednesday for Bill Cosby: amen.

"We are all in debt to Bill Cosby, who did not have to come on the firing line" in opening a crusade for personal responsibility in the black community, said Sharpton.

Don't get me wrong, I certainly hope they sincerely mean it. But given Sharpton's checkered past, color me skeptical. I don't see him becoming the next great champion of personal responsibility.

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