.50 cal gun ban hits Schwarzenegger's desk

iconThe People's Republic of California is set to ban .50 caliber rifles in a feel-good effort to make their subjects feel safe from terrorists. Of course the law will have no impact on crime committed with .50 caliber rifles, mainly because their is none. And should their be a terrorist act committed with one in the future, it will only prove the futility of it all.

Frankly, California has banned so many different types of guns I am not at all surprised by this. Lets face it, California gun laws are so confusing even the police and district attorneys cannot keep up.

Once again, if the national .50 caliber ban takes hold, I'm buying one.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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Does this extend to .50 muzzle loaders? Hell, you can buy them in .54, .58 and larger. That ought to scare people. They could really take a bite out of the drive by blackpowder shootings.

Posted by: Michael at August 31, 2004 12:47 PM

As far as I know it only applies to "long distance" rifles. Whatever the hell that means.

Posted by: Ravenwood at August 31, 2004 1:23 PM

If you do decide to do so RW, I know of a company who will chamber a T/C Encore Rifle for the .500 S&W Magnum cartridge.

I'm actually trying to secure the funds for one myself.

Posted by: analogkid at August 31, 2004 1:52 PM


Posted by: Bourbaki at August 31, 2004 3:09 PM

My younger brother has a Brown Bess musket that I believe it a .76 caliber.

You should just see the looks on the faces of the convenience store clerks!

Posted by: roger at September 1, 2004 12:36 PM

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