Censorship is not the answer

iconWhen Kerry told Bush he should try to stop the Swift Vets, Bush appeared to take the upper hand by lamented all 527 groups. But he is a fool for proposing this:

President Bush wants to work with Sen. John McCain to take legal action against "shadowy" outside groups that have been spending millions of dollars on ads criticizing the president and Democratic rival Sen. John Kerry, the White House said Thursday.
How can this not violate the First Amendment. That he is proposing government censorship is shocking!

Politicians do not own the political process, nor should they be allowed to silence us. Of course they would all feel just dandy if they could eliminate criticism of themselves. But that they are considering using the police power of the government to make it happen is tyranny. Bush should be tarred and feathered for persuing this.

And I would think the political backlash from this would be devastating.


That he'd already signed government censorship was already shocking enough for me. Since McCain-Fiengold was deemed Constitutional, why should they even worry about this?

I've had a number of disagreements with Bush's actions over the last 3.5 years, but signing CFR was the worst decision of all. He put his solemn vow to protect the Constitution in the hands of the Supreme Court, where they promptly screwed him (and the rest of us as well).

The problem with Bush can be boiled-down to this: He is incapable of issuing a veto. Had he done that just once, he never would have had to take this stance now.

Posted by: roger at August 26, 2004 3:58 PM

Of course, there won't be a backlash, you understand, because it's in the media's best interest to also silence your average citizen so they can regain their monopoly on news and stories (and most importantly which candidate is the "right" candidate).

Thus, they will handily ignore what has been said or spin it in such a way so as to present this as a needed reform to restore civility into political discourse.

Posted by: Stump at August 26, 2004 7:34 PM

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