Turn in your guns

iconHere is a story about more gun confiscations, this time by the British Empire.

PITCAIRN Islanders have been ordered to hand their guns to British authorities amid fears a six-week sex trial on the island could lead to violence, officials said today.

Seven Pitcairn Island men face 96 charges over allegations of sexual abuse.

Some of the alleged offenses were committed up to 40 years ago. The trials, which are due to begin on the island on September 23, have caused rising tensions in the tiny island community.

Pitcairn Deputy Governor Matthew Forbes, who is based in the New Zealand capital, Wellington, said the island's governor, British High Commissioner to New Zealand Richard Fell, had ordered residents to surrender their firearms, which they use for hunting and shooting coconuts out of trees.

If people do not hand in their guns, authorities will legislate to suspend all firearm licences on the island and guns would be taken from residents, he said. [...]

Herb Ford, head of the California-based Pitcairn Islands Study Centre, told The Associated Press in an e-mail that islanders had been given until September 7 voluntarily to hand in their guns "or have police conduct a house-to-house search for firearms".

What choice do these people have? Keep in mind that these confiscations by the government are conducted with the threat of lethal force. The government might as well be saying, "Turn in your guns, or we will kill you."

And just how will they find the guns? The NZ Herald sheds light on that:

The island's licensing system would enable police to target all the firearms that existed.
It's easy for me to say this because it has never happened to me, but personally I would choose the latter. I don't know about you, but if you hear that Ravenwood's guns have been taken, you'll know Ravenwood is dead.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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I would say it a little stronger: "If you hear that Bob's guns have been taken, you'll know that Bob isn't the only one dead."


Posted by: Bob at August 13, 2004 12:01 AM

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