If I was a rich man

iconThe Associated Press is trying to paint Bush as a wealthy bureaucrat. They chronicle a preacher's sermon about material wealth, and list Bush's massive assets.

The current president lists among his assets his Texas ranch, worth between $1 million and $5 million. He also has U.S. Treasury notes valued at $5 million to $8.7 million. He sold his share of the Texas Rangers baseball team in 1998 for more than $15 million.
Of course, pundits like myself realize that compared to Kerry, Edwards, and Cheney, Bush is the pauper of the four candidates. If Billionaire John Kerry's total assets were listed as a mere $29 Million, he'd be crying all over the obituaries while looking for another rich widow. For the record, Kerry's Gulfstream V private jet retails for $35 Million.

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