What was he taking a break from?

iconHomeless man on smoke break stops thief

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At first, I was going to point out that one can be employed and homeless at the same time, but....

It would appear the homeless man was taking a break from the smoke-free environment of the homeless shelter.

Homeless, but smoking. Shows some of the good judgment that can lead to homelessness.

Posted by: Brian J. at August 10, 2004 9:25 AM

clueless, but opining...

Posted by: Brett at August 10, 2004 9:54 AM

The man acknowledged problems more serious than tobacco; he had been self-medicating mental illness.

I am reminded of an incident twenty some years ago in Chicago. It was one of the coldest days of a bitter winter, at six in the morning, and some black high school students, sitting in a car, noticed a house was on fire. They got the building evacuated successfully, and got the fire department called in time to save some of the value of the property. But if they weren't smoking pot in that car, you hit me.

Posted by: triticale at August 10, 2004 11:27 PM

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