Fairfax Residents Seen Openly Carrying Guns

iconThree people exercising their rights apparently is enough to baffle the Fairfax police:

Fairfax County police say they're baffled by the sudden display of residents carrying pistols in public.

Three times in the past month, authorities say residents have been spotted out and about with guns strapped to their hips. In one incident, a couple carried the weapons as they strolled down a busy street at the Reston Town Center.

The president of an organization representing thousands of Virginia gun owners told The Washington Post the residents might have been out celebrating a law that took effect July 1.

Virginia now completely prohibits any locality from enacting regulations on gun ownership, carrying, storage or purchase, except for rules related to the work force.

Although packing a pistol is perfectly legal in Virginia, that's not the case in District of Columbia and Maryland.

If you get a chance, please vote in the NBC poll on that page.

And for those of you who are wondering, no it wasn't me. I rarely (if ever) carry openly.

UPDATE: Here is the related WaPo story for those of you who are interested. The WaPo gun grabbers, of course, are very disturbed. The Fairfax gestapo aren't too pleased either.

"Hopefully no one feels the need to carry a gun, lawfully or unlawfully," [Lt. Col. Charles K.] Peters said. "But there's no question it is lawful to carry a gun on the street. So we've had to ensure that all of our officers are updated on the nuances of Virginia law that allow citizens to carry firearms in public places."
This has ALWAYS been the law in Virginia. I've known it since I was in high school. Why must the Police be constantly reminded what the laws are??

UPDATE2: Same story, another poll.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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Man, I wish (or wonder if) we could do that in Tennessee.

Posted by: Mays at July 15, 2004 2:36 PM

According to Packing.org, probably not.


Posted by: Ravenwood at July 15, 2004 2:52 PM

I am very pleased to see the results of the poll. As of 3 pm it is 71% in favor of carrying. I had thought that it would be much lower. Of course, your link may have skewed the results a bit.

Posted by: Jeffro at July 15, 2004 3:02 PM

Probably. VCDL put out an alert on it too.

Posted by: Ravenwood at July 15, 2004 3:05 PM

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