Concealed Carry overturned in Minnesota

iconMinnesota gun grabbers hope to turn back the clock on their two year old concealed carry law. A county district court judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional and gun fearing wussies are rejoicing. This is in spite of the fact that the there have been no wild west shootouts in the streets and the world hasn't ended, as was predicted by the gun control nazis.

CCRKBA notes:

"Ideally," added CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron, "the appeals process will take less than a month or two, during which time no Minnesota resident should have his or her safety placed in peril by this lower court decision. This really is a safety issue, and with all due respect to the plaintiffs in this case, the Adath Jeshurun Congregation, a church group does not have the right to interfere with the self-defense right of any citizen."

Gottlieb and Waldron both wondered why a challenge to the law took so long to make it through the court.

"This law has been on the books for two years," Gottlieb noted. "It works, the plaintiffs know it works, and yet here they are, selfishly pushing a political agenda onto the backs of their fellow Minnesotans. This effort has far less to do with a concern about public safety or private property rights than it does about an anti-gun religious group arrogantly trying to enforce its personal code of conduct on every Minnesota resident. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?"

Liberals trying to impose their lifestyle on everyone? I'm shocked!

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