
iconABC (Australia) is reporting that compared to where it used to be, the whale population is 'booming'.

iconWhat happens when a cash strapped school finds a valuable art collection stowed away in the basement? Why they refuse offers to buy it of course, and probably bitch about needing more taxpayer funds.

iconA man who told his doctor about how much he drinks in the privacy of his own home lost his driver's license. This is yet more proof that when you permit the government to regulate something, you give them the power to deny you of it.

iconMike Adams says that every time some lefty anti-gun nut ball bitches to him about gun control, he goes out and buys another gun. I wish I could afford to do that.

iconThe government says you should dump Internet Explorer. Then again, aren't these the same people who sued Microsoft because of IE?

iconThe Filipinos are proving they are spineless by answering the terrorist's demands to leave Iraq. They only had 51 guys there to begin with, but their withdrawal gives the terrorists a victory.

iconRadical protesters are planning on besieging the GOP convention in New York. They are preparing to attack and trick police with the ultimate goal of evacuating Madison Square Garden. Hopefully the police are preparing to give them a beating they will never forget.

iconKerry's campaign staff is a cast of thousands, including more than 200 economic advisers. If he has this many paid advisers now, just imagine how much he would add to the bureaucracy of the federal government if elected President.

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