Who to blame for high gas prices

iconAny of you bitching about high gas prices need to remember a few things.

  • When Congress suggested drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) as far back as 1995, it was the enviro-weenies who stood in the way.

  • When drilling for oil in ANWR came up for a vote in the Senate in 2002, it was the Democrats who killed it.

  • When drilling for oil in ANWR came up for a vote in the Senate in 2003, it was the Democrats who killed it.

  • John Kerry was one of those Democrats who voted against drilling in ANWR, thus securing our reliance on foreign oil.
  • Gas PricesIt's interesting that the very people who are crying "no war for oil", are the same ones keeping us dependent on foreign oil. If we can't steal it, and we can't drill for our own, and we can't negotiate a lower price with the Saudis, what are we supposed to do? Oh yeah, we're supposed to outlaw SUVs just stop using it.

    No matter what the price of gasoline at the pump, remember that times are still better than they were in the 1970s. Back then not only were adjusted for inflation gas prices higher, but cars got worse mileage. Also, don't forget that your personal decisions have a huge bearing on how much you pay for gas. You choose what kind of car to drive, where to live, and where to work. If gas prices are really such an annoyance, perhaps you should find a job closer to home or trade in your SUV for one of those econoboxes. You could also try, oh I don't know, taking the bus.

    What you really ought to be bitching about is not the price you pay at the pump, but at the often unseen impact of high gas prices. That is the inflationary impact it has on consumer prices. Just about all consumer goods are shipped with vehicles using fossile fuels, so the actions of a few Democrats and enviro-weenies end up costing us all millions of dollars.

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