Chasing a tragedy

iconWhen it comes to gun ideology and fear, I've come to accept that some people are afraid of firearms and will always be. They don't like them, don't want them, and I can accept that. That they would try to extend their fear to my personal gun safe is irritating enough, but the gun fearing wussy is still not quite as bad as the gun grabber.

Then there are people like Tom Diaz, a mouthpiece for the rabidly anti-gun Violence Policy Center. Diaz is cashing in on the criminal activity of others to push his gun ban, and will tell more lies than a two-bit politician caught coming out of a whore house. Like most gun grabbers, the dishonesty borders on pathological.

The problem is that America is awash with firearms hyper-marketed by a relentless and unregulated gun industry.
Hyper-marketed? Relentless and unregulated? This is absurd. Guns aren't advertised on TV or radio. They don't buy product placements in big Hollywood movies. Furthermore, the firearm industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. There are more than 20,000 firearms laws on the books in the United States. (A nation that started with only one; the Second Amendment.)

Diaz goes on to blame the firearms industry for coming up with new products.

Unlike many other consumer industries that follow population growth, the gun business has faced saturated, declining markets. So it has relentlessly pushed new models of handguns to stimulate sales.
Gun makers, like car makers advance with technology. Each year they come out with new models. Over time, they are safer, more efficient, and have more features.

And why should the gun industry be any different than anyone else? For instance look at toothpaste. When I was a kid it was pretty basic. I remember when Aqua-Fresh only had double protection. Now-a-days we've got tarter control, baking soda, whitening, tarter control with baking soda, tarter control with whitening, baking soda with whitening, ad nauseam. Do we really need all those, or is it just manufacturers trying to get people to buy more-better stuff?

You can be like Diaz and falsely blame the gun industry for "putting the gun in his hand" if you wants to, but only the shooter is to blame for pulling the trigger.

Category:  Cold Dead Hands
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"This is absurd. Guns aren't advertised on TV or radio."

We have gun ads on TV and radio here in Reno, as well as print ads and billboards. Gun manufacturers DO product placement deals with movies, also(Desert Eagle springs to mind.).
I do agree Tom Diaz is full o' crap tho.

Posted by: Brian at May 7, 2004 1:00 PM

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