Protesting is not treason

iconYesterday, I floated the idea of banning news agencies from covering anti-war protests. With the exception of Phillip Coons, nobody seemed to notice (or care). Phillip says "Surely he has to be joking". I was in fact, trying to illustrate a point.

On a personal level, I think anti-war protesters are sleazy and do their country a disservice. I think that, when organized, they can act as an effective fifth column working against our troops in the war on terror. But that doesn't mean that I support denying them their free speech. When you start talking about charging people with treason for standing on a San Francisco street corner holding a picket sign, I have to draw the line.

To illustrate my point, I figured that as long as people are so willing to dismiss the First Amendment for individual Americans, why not throw the whole thing out and just make it illegal for the press to publicize anti-war protests? After all, if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound.

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RE: "After all, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound."

Answer: Yes, but why should that particular brand of noise get disproportionate coverage? Just because I don't stand on the corner with a stupid slogan on a stick doesn't mean my opinion is any less newsworthy. No network shoots TV footage of the flag in front of my house. Is that fair?

A more appropriate Zenism is, "What is the sound of one hand clapping a traitor in irons?"

Posted by: DougM at April 14, 2004 10:36 PM

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