AWOL soldier claims conscientious objector

iconDidn't we used to shoot these assholes? Apparently a bunch of Taxachusetts peace mongers cheered him on as he turned himself in to military police. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the pro-appeasement, pro-Saddam, anti-military, anti-war socialists that are defending deserters like this are the very same useful idiots that claim George Bush was AWOL from his guard duty in Alabama and should be censured.

The deserter, 28 year old Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia, had this to say for himself:

"I am saying no to war. I have chosen peace," Mejia said earlier at a news conference at Sherborn arranged by anti-war activists. "I went to Iraq and was an instrument of violence, and now I have decided to become an instrument of peace."
His time for choosing peace was before he volunteered for military service. He should have chosen peace before we invested thousands of dollars and years of training in him. Just what did he think that rifle and marksmanship training were for?

I come from a military family and grew up in a military town, so perhaps I'm a little more harsh on these guys than most people would be. But to me, a soldier who refuses to go into combat is like a fireman who refuses to put out a fire; or a policeman who refuses to stop a crime. During war time desertion should be treated like... well... desertion. I say give him the firing squad. That should let people know that when you sign up for military service, you'd better be damned sure you are up for it.

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E.E.Cummings drove an ambulance in WWI. I imagine such service is available today in Baghdad. There must be lots of unobjectionable assignments there. I assume it's only a matter of conscience at stake.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at March 17, 2004 2:33 AM

Just like some of the asshats that didn't want to go to Dessert Storm saying something to the effect of, "I just joined the military so they would pay for my medical training, not to go to war."

They call it the "Armed Forces" for a reason. If you aren't prepared to take up arms when your President, government, country and it's peoples need you - DON'T JOIN!

Posted by: bogie at March 17, 2004 7:30 AM

From the article, "A native of Nicaragua, Mejia is a permanent resident of the United States who served in the Army for three years. He had served in the National Guard for five years when his unit was called to active duty." In other words, he was collecting pay from the Army and National Guard for eight years, and never realized that he had a problem with doing the job he was paid for until he actually had to do it.

Shooting is too good for him. Hang him, take pictures, and post them in every recruiting office. Make sure every recruit knows that when he or she takes the oath, he or she is promising to go wherever assigned, and do whatever is required - or else...

Posted by: markm at March 21, 2004 5:59 PM

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