Spineless GOP caves on taxes, sings 'Kubaya' with Dems

iconI feel like puking. Virginia's House Republicans, known scientifically as spineless republicus, came to terms with Democrats and are endorsing an increase in taxes. That their tax hike is "hailed by Democrats" should be all you need to know, but hearing just how lovey dovey the Republicans and Democrats have become is revolting.

"I am so grateful, Mr. Speaker, that we are all coming together," Del. Lionell Spruill Sr. (D-Chesapeake) said as several GOP lawmakers -- punchy from a committee meeting that ended at 2 a.m. -- began singing "Kumbaya" on the House floor. "I am so glad we have taken the first step."
No shit. They actually sang Kumbaya.
Del. Kenneth R. Plum (D-Fairfax) said: "We have truly made progress. We recognize that in order to balance our budget . . . we do, in fact, need a tax increase."

Aides to Gov. Mark R. Warner (D), who wants to raise $1 billion with higher taxes on goods, income, corporations and smokers, said the governor is not embracing the Republican tax plan and has concerns about its impact on the economy.

But they said the question no longer seems to be whether the state needs more money and higher taxes, but how much money and who should be tapped to pay it.

What the legislature is saying is that spending cuts are too politically unpopular. No one wants to risk losing re-election because they decided to cut spending to certain programs. Remember that taxes are seized with the threat of lethal force. What the Va Legislature is saying is that they would rather seize more of your money for their pet programs than risk the political fallout of cutting budgets.

When I was out of work last year, the first thing I did was cut my discretionary spending. Even though I had plenty of money in savings, I knew that I had to cut my spending habits to make that money last through tough times. When governments go through tough times, they don't have to make those sacrifices. They're allowed to seize more money to make ends meet; at the point of a gun, no less.

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