Traffic O' Plenty

Traffic has just about doubled in the past few days. Is it thanks to my hard work and constant updates? Nope. It's because of all the perverts out there looking for nudie pics of Janet Jackson, or Catherine Bosley, or the Lingerie Bowl. Both AOL and Google currently have me ranked higher than Drudge, who actually posted the photo of Janet Jackson.
Search Keyphrases (Top 10) 
888 different keyphrasesSearchPercent
janet breast35315 %
janet s breast31013.2 %
janet jackson s boob1566.6 %
janet jackson boob692.9 %
lingerie bowl632.6 %
janet jackson s breast381.6 %
janet breast photo301.2 %
sperm whale explodes281.1 %
wisconsin concealed carry210.8 %
catherine bosley210.8 %
Other phrases124953.4 %

These stats are just for the first 3 days of February. God bless those gun lovers in Wisconsin for cracking the Top 10 and preventing a shutout.

UPDATE: Okay, this is getting rediculous. Here are the numbers through 2/4/2004.
Search Keyphrases (Top 10) 
1192 different keyphrasesSearchPercent
janet s breast95822.1 %
janet breast90020.8 %
janet jackson s boob2154.9 %
janet breast photo922.1 %
janet jackson boob922.1 %
lingerie bowl701.6 %
janet s breast photo491.1 %
janet jackson s breast441 %
heyyacb.mov340.7 %
sperm whale explodes310.7 %
Other phrases183342.4 %

DayNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
01 Feb 200468411881113566.82 MB
02 Feb 20041111212419563120.73 MB
03 Feb 20041983310632313194.60 MB
04 Feb 20042851440440017209.87 MB
684 visits is a bit light for a Sunday, but hey, it was the Super Bowl. Mondays usually get about 900 to 1000 visits, so 1100 is a tad bit high, but not abnormal. Tuesday, was about 200% of normal, and Wednesday was over the top.

Normally, I wouldn't make a big deal about htis. After all, a 300% jump in traffic isn't all that incredible if you get a prominent link on Opinion Journal, or Instapundit. But this is all search engine traffic.

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