Pepsi's perp walk

iconFor those of you that watched the Super Bowl commericals, do you remember the Pepsi/Apple spot featuring the illegal music downloaders? It was the one that paraded the child victims of the RIAA lawsuits to the tune of "I fought the law and the law won."

Well, The Register points out that it seems to be having the opposite affect that Apple and Pepsi had hoped for.

Category:  Pleasure Police
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What the hell is the problem?? We get what we want (only paying for songs that we will actually listen to) and the RIAA get what it wants (us paying for something).

I doubt that these kids were *forced* into doing this commercial. In fact, it'd be a safe bet they got paid pretty well for doing it.

I understand the concerns over DRM, but something has to be done...I think it's about time we change the way music is distributed. I haven't bought a CD in years...why the hell shoudl it cost more than a cassette? Wanna trade songs illegally? Buy the CDs, you're still free to make mp3s...wanna just pay for what you'll actually use? downlaod it from iTunes. I'm sure they won't have a lock on it forever.

Posted by: MMW at February 3, 2004 8:35 AM

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