The five year plan

iconI don't blame you for having doubts about the HCI 5-year plan I posted yesterday. I can neither verify nor refute the authenticity. I've found it posted several other places, but the source seems to be a mystery. If this is to be believed, it first started circulating in January of 1994. Given that the gun grabbers have actively pushed many items in that plan lead me to believe that it is, for the most part, authentic.

Regardless of the authenticity, the 5-year plan was too ambitious to implement that quickly. Gun grabbers are still out there though, biding their time and waiting for the next school shooting on which to capitalize. If you want to see the long term effects of the "5-year plan", just check out this post by Kevin Baker.

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Thanks, though.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at November 25, 2003 4:51 PM

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