Driver threatens police with copyright lawsuit

iconMissouri police got an earful from a motorist charged in an auto accident, reports The Examiner. They note that Daniel Smith, who was allegedly involved in a motor vehicle accident, threatened officers with copyright lawsuits if they tried to record his name.

But when they asked Daniel Smith, 45, the driver of the striking vehicle, for his driver's license, he told them his name was copyrighted. Instead of handing them his license, he gave them a piece of paper he had generated on a computer saying that anyone who duplicated his name in any fashion would be subject to a lawsuit. [...]

The officers then called in for a supervisor. After he arrived, he was immediately added to the list of people being sued.

When the supervisor explained that Smith would need to contact the city's Law Department, he said each time his name appears on any document it was a $500,000 action and if it was not paid within 10 days, it goes to $1.5 million.

Mr. Smith's alleged behavior reminds me of the George Kellerman character, who threatened to sue the entire City of New York in the Out-of-Towners.

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