Gun "accidents" are no accidents II

iconA Norwegian man shoots 6 people at a birthday party, and Reuters calls it an "accident".

The man found out about the party in a forest cabin in south Norway beforehand and hid behind trees nearby with a shotgun as about 30 guests turned up on Saturday night, hoping to turn the surprise on his friends,

He blasted off one round in the air, meaning it as a joke to shock the partygoers. But when he came out from his hiding place, he tripped and the gun went off again, badly hurting one woman in the legs and slightly injuring five others.

This is an example of gross negligence. The gun "went off again" almost certainly because he had his finger on the trigger. Rather than dig up the real facts about what happened, the media accepts the perpetrator's blaming the gun, an inanimate object.

Related articles:
Gun "accidents" are no accidents - 8/15/2003

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Never underestimate the evil in the soul of a firearm.

Posted by: Michael at August 19, 2003 9:49 AM

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