1984: Biloxi Schools wired with eyes in the sky

iconThe AP reports that Big Brother has Biloxi public schools in his clutches.

Students in Biloxi public schools started classes this week under the watchful eye of Webcams that will keep track of every classroom and hallway.

School and security officials said they believed Biloxi is one of the first districts in the nation to install cameras in every classroom.

I find the acceptance of the authoritarian's watchful eyes disturbing. This is a tremendous invasion of privacy, and I would never let a child of mine attend a school filled with cameras.

The presence of cameras all over Britain hasn't stopped their crime problem, and it probably will have little impact on children's behavior. (Although it may make meting out punishment easier.)

Still, you have to ask, do you really want your child attending a school that has gotten so bad they had to resort to this sort of thing? It sounds like another reason to push for school vouchers.


You said, "I find the acceptance of the authoritarian's watchful eyes disturbing. This is a tremendous invasion of privacy, and I would never let a child of mine attend a school filled with cameras."

***Why are you answering your own question? Do you want fair and balanced responses? Or just what you want to hear?

Posted by: Jim Seronna at August 27, 2003 10:09 AM

I only asked one question, and that was: Do you want your children attending such a school? I expressed told what I would do if faced with the situation. Whether or not my opinion influences your reply doesn't matter.

As for your question about whether or not I want "fair and balanced responses", I could care less. I read all comments, and very few of them are balanced. As for fair, I'm not exactly sure what a fair or unfair comment would entail.

Posted by: Ravenwood at August 27, 2003 10:32 AM

I would like the camera's if it would be possible that I could be able to look at the camera's also, not just the principals and such. I think it invades the children's as well as teachers privacy. I THINK ITS GAY!!

Posted by: unknown at August 29, 2003 10:28 PM

I am a teacher. I love showing the videos to parents that think their children do no wrong.

Posted by: mose at September 28, 2003 7:26 PM

I am a student at Biloxi High. I don't really care if there are cameras watching us at all times. If you don't do anything stupid then it shouldnt matter, now should it? I mean, they are like a big help if you want to prove you didn't do something! All you have to say is, " Why don't you go check the cameras?" You also feel safer. I mean, you know that if someone is doing something they are gonna get caught! The only places that don't have cameras are bathrooms and thats where fights usually occur. If you want to see who stole your stuff off of your desk, then I guess you'd like the idea too. :-)

Posted by: Nikkol at October 14, 2003 4:17 PM

i graduated from biloxi high in 97, and have immediate family attending there, also the elementary and middle school. I don't think that the Schools are soooo bad that they have to resort to that type of security protection, as u put it. I know from my experience that biloxi district employees like my high school principal, worked very hard to upgrade the level and quality of our schools, which was needed before the new schools(because all the casino money was probably saved to put into the new schools). My point, is that they are striving for a top notch school system, not to be communist rulers. Also, since when did a "public school" or school, period, become an institution of privacy? It is a public and open place for children to attend to attain an education, and a place of business for teachers, principals, etc...they are getting a paycheck, right? Aren't places of business under standard video monitoring anyways?for security reasons? harrassment, destruction of property, trespassers, making sure employees are doing their jobs, and not mistreating others, breaking of the law..........not that the Biloxi schools have all these problems or that it couldn't happen, but a video monitor system is a good way to make sure that it is more preventable. Also , what if Columbine High had a camera system installed in their school? How many people could have not been hurt and alerted? how much faster could the situation have been sustained? How many people thought that it couldn't happen in their school? Those boys moved through classrooms and the lunchroom.
My neice has already been picked on by another student, and if the cameras in any way can help prevent the situation from happening again or catch them, it makes me feel safer. As long as their personal space is recognized, overall i feel that the cameras make it a safer institution to attend. And maybe some teachers will be on better behavior also.

Posted by: eunjee at October 16, 2003 6:33 PM

Wow, I had no idea that cameras had the magical ability to stop a bullet.

My guess is that the two punk kids who made their own "going away" video prior to shooting up the Colorado school would not have been dissuaded because of a camera. In fact, they probably would have enjoyed it.

While cameras may have a soothing effect on the average person's behavior, they really do nothing to stop real crime. Banks and convenience stores are still robbed, and people are still held up at ATMs.

While the cameras may be a good deterrant against petty theft, chewing gum in the hallways, and nose picking, the price paid in lost privacy is not worth it.

Posted by: Ravenwood at October 17, 2003 10:18 AM

this is a student from bjhs. i actually feel really safe with the cameras in our school. i have a friend who had a guy touch her in an inappropriate way and she reported it. they looked on the cameras and saw that it was true. he was punished. also, in my opinion, our school isn't as bad as you made it seem. the cameras are there where the teachers cant always be. if someone wants privacy so bad then they should just go to a private school. anyways, you're not the one going, so whats your problem. its not hurting you. if it makes us feel safe at school, thats all that matters. not what YOU think.

Posted by: anonymous at November 16, 2003 1:20 PM

That's a valid point. As long as I'm not the one being hurt, I shouldn't worry about it. That is the same logic that kept institutions like slavery and segregation in place for hundreds of years.

I'm happy that cameras make you feel safe. I guess it's nice to know that if someone attacks and beats you to within an inch of your life, they'll be some nice footage for the 6 o'clock news.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 16, 2003 1:33 PM

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