Stop or I'll say 'stop' again II

iconThe AP reports that some GFWs don't even want their police officers to have guns.

When this town's seven police officers go on patrol, they never reach for their guns. That's because Hooper Bay [Alaska] is the only known municipality in the United States whose police officers are forbidden to carry firearms.

Town leaders say they fear guns will just make the village more dangerous, even in the hands of cops.

How can the village be any more dangerous than it is right now? If a nut ball dropped into the middle of town and started shooting up the place, even the police would have to resort to begging the criminals for mercy.

Of course, this isn't a new idea. The U.K. has been doing it for years, and a PSU editorial from last summer expressed concern that policemen were being allowed to carry firearms when they were off duty.

Related articles:

Stop, or I'll say 'stop' again! - 01/24/2003
Cops shouldn't have guns either - 07/29/2002

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