I'm a blood blogger

It has been 8 weeks already. If you are on the same blood donation schedule that I am, that means you gave a pint yesterday as well. The Red Cross guy talked to me about donating platelets, which is something I've never done. It takes a few hours, so some weekend, I may go in and let them hook me up to the machine just to see what it's like.


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I've donated platelets. It takes about two hours, just long enough for me to watch Hitchcock's Rear Window.

The take the blood out of your arm, separate out the platelets, and then put your blood back in you (in my case, via a vein in my hand.)

Only discomfort is getting stuck twice and the stuff coming back in is chilled a bit, so you can get cold.

Posted by: Kevin Baker at August 13, 2003 5:13 PM

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