No Blood for Mineral Resources

iconWith 2000 combat Marines being positioned off the coast of Liberia, it is inevitable that anti-war protesters will be painting their "No Blood for Mineral Resources" signs and picketing the White House this weekend. Liberia has no WMDs, no Saddam Hussein, and no other reason to go to war, except for their rich mineral resources.

The Bush Administration has an image problem. "Liberia has rich mineral resources," claims Arthur Vandelay, an architecture student at William and Mary College in Virginia. "Clearly, Bush and his buddies at the big mineral resource companies have wanted to get their hands on them since Bush was selected back in 2000."

While he was able to disguise his quest for Iraqi oil under the guise of an illegal attempted uranium purchase from Niger, President Bush has no such excuse for Liberia. Without a good reason to invade, the American people won't support another war.

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