Ultra-left dismayed by U.S. royal flush

iconThe reaction from the far-left in response to Uday and Qusay Hussein being killed is pretty ignominious. Reknowned America hater Robert Fisk, who once blamed himself for being mugged by a band of Afghani thugs, doesn't think it was them at all.

So they are dead. Or are they? [...]

The two men are said to bear an impressive resemblance to the brothers. A 14-year-old child killed by the Americans - one of the four dead - might be one of Saddam's grandsons.

Fisk wants us to believe that we ambushed 4 guys sitting around playing poker. Oh, and one of them was but a mere innocent child, caught in the murderous crossfire.

Then there is New York Congressman, Charles Rangel. Rangel thinks that we broke the law by "assassinating" the Hussein boys.

"We have a law on the books that the United States should not be assassinating anybody. [...]

"I personally don't get any satisfaction that it takes 200,000 troops, 250,000 troops, to knock off two bums."

These are, of course, plays right out of the ultra-left handbook. First, that the Husseins were just minding their own business, and second, that we are a big mean bully who is fighting an unfair war against and underdog enemy that couldn't even muster a defense.

Spoons has some nice scary reactions from the lefty-blogger crowd. Not only is there a question of the necessity of deleting the Hussein clan, but some are questioning the timing. Just when their partisan attacks were starting to take hold, Bush springs this trap on them. It was all part of the VRWC to discredit their demagoguery.

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