The White House Must Have Used Snail Mail

Four months to the day after sending this letter, Rep. Henry Waxman still has not received a response from the White House. I'm no expert on these things but to diss a Congressman - an elected representative of The People - seems to indicate an extraordinary degree of hubris on the part of the Bush administration.

Before you jump on me, Dear Republitarian, let me state that I realize Waxman is a Democrat, a liberal and probably a closet Socialist and a gun-grabber too, but he speaks for his constituents. Doesn't this mean anything anymore? Do lies and cover-ups only count against you if you are a Democrat? I watched the G-Man spinning this story on Hardball w/ Chris Matthews and I felt sorry for him. He seemed embarassed to have to trot out technicalities and hedges.

Time to drag Ken Starr out of storage, give him 20 million dollars and a mandate to find something. anything..

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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It is probably still being tested for anthrax.

Posted by: Ravenwood at July 18, 2003 7:03 AM

Is there any response that would satisfy Mr Waxman? I doubt it, therefore let it stand for what it was - Grandstanding. Attacking the other party is the way of life for these guys, and if Bush was a Dem he would be getting a pass from Waxman. Yes, I am well aware that Rep. party is partisan as well, thats just the way it is.
I do think Iraq and the US will ultimately be better off for toppling Saddam.

Posted by: michael at July 18, 2003 11:52 AM

Waxman's letter doesn't deserve a response. As noted above, it's simple grandstanding. There is ample evidence that Hussein tried to buy uranium and/or yellow cake from several African countries; we still don't know whether or not he was succcessful in any of those attempts. Unless Waxman is unaware that Niger is not the only country in Africa (and judging by scholastic averages in Waxman's district that's very possible), he is simply being disingenuous by focusing on one piece of discredited evidence that in the end was not even used.

Posted by: Grognard at July 18, 2003 11:59 AM

How 'bout Republicans in Congress asking questions? Is that grandstanding too?

Let's use the Republican standard set during the Clinton administration and appoint an Independent Counsel. If yer guys are in the clear, all we lost was 20 million dollars. And who'll ever notice a measly 20 million dollars in Bush's budget?

Republicans should be saying, "We have met the enemy and they are us."

Posted by: Lope at July 18, 2003 10:23 PM

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